We are young enough to appreciate, Yet old enough to understand, How two people can become true lovers, How two people can find a way, Find a way to come together in true love and romance, Find a way to come together with passion, That never ends, That never fully fades, It just needs another reminder by a gentle touch, A tender kiss, A sweet smile, A muttering of the words I love you, We are young enough to appreciate, But yet old enough to understand, That we are two people, That can become one, That become true lovers, To find a way through it all, Through the hurt and pain, The hardness and strife, The obstacles that are thrown in our way, But we will not give up, We will not let anything take us away, We will keep fighting, We don’t care what other people say, We don’t care what they do, We are meant to be together, Because we will always love, We will always have this romance, We will always have this passion, We will have those gentle touches, We will have those tender kisses, T...