Keep On Climbing

Every single moment,
Every single second,
I am going to keep on climbing,
Keep on going,
Keep on believing,
Because I know what I have,
I know there is something,
Even through those hard moments,
Even through those dark days,
There is my faith in God,
There is the love I have for Troy,
There are my great friends,
There are so many things to be grateful for,
Every single moment,
Every single second,
I am going to keep on climbing,
Keep on going,
Keep on believing,
Believing in everything,
Everything that is possible,
No matter what I might go through,
No matter what hard times I might find,
No matter what might be thrown my way,
I am not going to let a little stumble,
Let any little falls,
Let anything stand in my way,
Because I am going to keep on climbing,
Going to keep on going,
Keep on believing,
Because the faith I have,
The faith in God,
In my Troy,
In my friends,
That no matter any gray skies,
Any dark moments,
That I will able to keep on going,
I am going to keep on climbing,
Climbing for the good things,
Climbing for His glory,
Climbing through every moment,
Every single day.


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