Day 9 Your Beliefs

My beliefs have changed a lot over the years. I wasn’t really raised in a Christian household I do remember going to church many different types throughout my young childhood from Baptist, Seven Day Adventist, and many others. The first time I was baptized I was about 13 and it was at a Mormon church. I had in one way or another always believed there was a God but never a firm grasp on much else. Although I ended up leaving the Mormon Church due to how they treated my mom they were good to us for a short period of time helping us with some hardships we dealt with at that time.

From the time I was 13 until I was about 16 I didn’t really do much stuff that was church related. I did go to Youth group related stuff for awhile and even did when I got into Wicca thanks to my 2nd boyfriend. I felt at that time it was the best thing in my life I had gotten into that and Enya. Although I considered myself Wiccan I didn’t really do much to practice it for many years and even when I got more into it I wasn’t as serious as some of the friends I made when I started practicing Wicca.

Until I met Troy I seemed pretty happy in my world although I knew something was missing. Once I met Troy and started going to Open Door I didn’t think I would have gone back to a church regularly and once I started going and told people everyone was surprised. I felt I really found myself in that church ended up getting saved on December 6th of 2009 and than being baptized on February 7th 2010. I still believe in a lot of things though that hasn’t really changed over the years.

I still believe in soul mates and true love. I still believe in romance and treating a person right. I still believe even before I was Christian that you should be kind to others and to treat people as you would like to be treated and that certain respect should be given to those older than you. That it is also okay to disagree with people on beliefs but to be a good listener because you never know what you might learn and help people see as some people go through pains, hurts, or whatever due to the bad people that are out there.

I believe that when you think about beliefs that it is always more than just spiritual that most people will think about. I believe that parts of our beliefs can easily grow and change as we get older and some grow stronger as well especially when we go through different things. I believe also beliefs are very complex and there isn’t really any simplicity in any of them.


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