Wonderful Christmas
What a wonderful Christmas it is going to be,
One to be spend fully with the one I love,
The one I made my vow and promise to,
The one that brings me such joy,
And happiness,
How much more lovely this time is,
How much more beautiful this season is,
I do not care about the gifts,
All I care about is being with him,
Spending every moment,
As we decorate our tree,
As we keep warm together on those cold nights,
As the love blooms more,
During this special time,
The music seems even merrier,
The hot chocolate even more warm,
The spirit of Christmas lying within,
The hearts of both of us,
In our beautiful wonderful love,
What a wonderful Christmas it is going to be,
Being married to you,
Creating our own memories,
Creating our own traditions,
Finding even more ways to build love,
And praise throughout the season,
What a wonderful Christmas it is going to be,
Because it will be filled with time of you and me,
Something strong is being built,
Through the sharing of our lives,
This first year of us together,
As husband and wife,
Will build a foundation of our love,
Of our traditions,
Of our Christmas together,
Of the emotions filled,
From this day forth,
What a wonderful Christmas it is going to be,
Because there is you and me,
There is the two that has become one,
That now is there through our life’s difficulties,
It is beauty,
It is mysterious,
But it lives within our hearts,
The spirit engulfs us both,
In this wonderful Christmas,
In this time of you and me.