Let's Imagine
Let’s imagine for awhile,
Let’s imagine for a day,
A life without illness,
A life without disease,
A life without pain,
A life without strife,
A life without chronic illnesses no one understands,
A life without worry about health issues,
That one cannot afford the cost,
Because they do not have health insurance,
A life without so many things that we take for
In our lives,
Let’s imagine for awhile,
Let’s imagine for a day,
Let’s imagine for a moment,
Those things can be different,
Imagine a world different from the way it is now,
Imagine a world free from the pain,
Free from the hurt,
Free from the strife,
We all have gone through,
We all have worn badges of honor,
Some more than others,
Some with heavy burdens,
That no one realizes,
Or has come to know,
These nameless faces,
These people that people do not come to know,
Because people get so caught up,
In caring about superficial concerns,
Instead of manners of the heart,
Instead of manners of the soul,
Instead of manners of the life,
Of the person that is right next to them,
They think about themselves,
Instead of caring about the other person,
Some do damaging things to themselves,
And do it around others,
Not thinking about how they can harm,
So let’s imagine for awhile,
Let’s imagine for a day,
Let’s imagine for a moment,
How what we do affects each other,
How what our world is more interconnected than we
Let us not be selfish,
Let us be more giving,
Let us be more helpful,
Let us be something more,
Than what we can be today.