Our Lives

We put our lives on trial,
We believe in experimenting each moment,
We attempt to think we know it all,
Our every moment seems uncertain,
Because we have not come to know the world,
We start life with a beginning,
Without knowledge of life or understanding,
And through our life we do gain knowledge,
But at times we believe we know it all,
We believe that our ways are better than the one beside us,
We believe our dreams are more important,
We hold so hard onto our lives,
We give everything but our souls it seems,
And even than we will sell our soul,
For the latest pleasure or beauty,
A temporary fix to fill ourselves,
To try to fill in what we are missing,
We experiment with those things in life,
That is in our surrounding world,
We believe that these things have the answer,
We fall into those promises that this tentative thing will answer
All the deep problems within ourselves,
We keep believing,
Even when it doesn’t last,
Even when we have to keep needing more,
We still don’t feel fulfilled,
We cannot seem to realize our misdirection,
We put our lives on trial,
We experiment with things around us,
Not really realizing what we are doing,
Sure there are times that we are doing good,
But there has to be a line somewhere,
We cannot think we know the best for everyone,
The best way to live life,
The best way to carry us through,
All we have to do is look around,
Look to the details of our world,
And realize that our lives are complex,
That there cannot be an easy solution,
That can be solved by simple pleasures,
When pleasures leave than what do we have?
We have tentative dreams,
We have tentative worries,
We have these things that fly around us,
We need to just stop,
Take a moment and look,
Find a way from these trials,
Find something more than just provisional,
Look into the depth of the heart and soul,
Of each of us,
And find something that lasts,
And not something that just might not be.


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