Battle for a Woman
It might be confusing for you,
If you don’t understand the inner conflict,
The inner battle that happens within,
It might be easy for you to see the beauty,
The beauty of the one beside you,
But for that person it is a battle,
A constant one that never seems ending,
They try to believe they are beautiful,
But it is hard when you hear the taunts of
When you hear the taunts that happen now,
Thick skin they might have,
They might pretend it doesn’t hurt them,
Or that it doesn’t bother them,
But inside they are battling,
Battling between the emotions and thoughts,
The ones that are second nature to them,
We battle it every day,
Because the world doesn’t seem to sometimes care,
Or even understand what it is like,
We put outrageous ideals to place,
Pressing people to conform to these images,
That become popular in our pop culture,
It might be confusing for you,
Because you haven’t had to deal with it,
It is extra difficult as a woman,
We seem to be pushed with even more images,
Even more things to fail against,
We need to look beautiful but not like an unclean
We need to be accessible but not too much,
We need to be a certain weight and not have curves,
We should pressure ourselves more if we do not fit
the mold,
The mold of what someone should be,
There is so much pressure,
We stop giving each other the ability to be oneself,
When it comes to what we look like,
We don’t celebrate anymore it seems the way we are,
We push too much for women to match this image,
Even if it means they become unhealthy,
You give a nice compliment and a woman is always
What they have to do physically to keep it,
It might be confusing for you,
It is even harder for us,
Trying to be our own and not fit in a box,
Without hearing harsh words slung to us constantly,
We keep wanting to break the mold,
But breaking it is hard to do,
So when you give your women a compliment,
And you tell them how much you love them,
And you tell them how beautiful they are,
Just the way that they are without no changes,
Just know that although we fight the battle,
We need more people like you,
To see beauty within us,
And not just on the outside,
Someone to believe in our beauty,
And to help quite the demons,
Those demons of the voices inside,
The voices outside of us,
As we battle to be our own women,
In this culture of today.