A Veteran's Perspective

This world,
This place,
This time,
Fighting for people’s freedom,
Even if they do not seem to get it,
Fighting for the country that I love,
Being away from my family,
Being away from my love,
Being away from what I have considered home,
The trenches are deep,
The bombs are loud in my ears,
The flag that I know is long away from me,
The freedoms I fight for seem to be losing ground,
And here I am fighting this war,
Not being able to be there for my loved ones,
As they go through the heartaches of our nation,
Will they still love me as much as I love them?
Those that I have left behind,
Will my kids still remember me?
Will they still want me?
Will they still need me?
The gear is heavy along with my heart,
Being in this world,
I see heartache and hardship,
And I am grateful to come from where I am,
But it seems my world that I come from is falling apart,
And people are stopping to forget what we are fighting for,
They are forgetting what hardship I deal with every day,
They forget the sacrifice and instead want to change it with something else,
Will my country still be the same it was before?
Changes all over and here I stand,
In this other world,
Seeing how much this other world could wish,
Could only hope and dream,
To have anything close to what we have had,
But we are forgetting everything,
Everything that has been fought for,
And we are drifting away,
Drifting away from the one that made us,
Drifting away from what I grew up from,
People think it is making our country better,
But from where I stand now I know it isn’t,
But I will keep fighting for our freedom,
Because I still believe in those freedoms,
And I will keep away from my family,
And risk on not coming back,
Just to help others less fortunate than us,
Just to help keep the freedom alive for another day.


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