As He Goes

She watches as he leaves,
Wanting him to stay with her,
She doesn’t want him gone,
Even for a moment,
She’s waited way too long
To hold him in her arms,
But she knows that he won’t be gone long,
Even though it hurts her a little still,
They try to spend every moment they can,
Knowing that moments can only last so long,
Their relationship is still very new,
But she knows that it will last forever,
The two became one,
One became a we,
It was destined to be,
What they are to each other,
No matter where they are at,
They are forever in each others hearts,
So, she watches him leave,
She lets her heart ache,
Missing him already as he goes,
He comes back for one more kiss,
Tells her that he loves her,
And that everything now is perfect,
That they will last forever,
So, she watches him leave,
Knowing it won’t be forever,
Because their love is strong,
Even when they aren’t together.


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