Maybe I

Maybe I am crazy,
Maybe I am insane,
But I will keep on trying,
I will keep on fighting,
I will keep on believing,
In a better way,
Maybe I am wrong,
And maybe I am right,
But sometimes there is so much,
So much of a fight,
When did we stop trying?
When did we stop listening?
When did we just stop for a moment,
And thought another way?
You don’t always have to agree,
You don’t always have to believe,
But would it hurt you for the moment?
Would it hurt you for the time,
To look deeper in,
To look deeper within,
To look inside,
And not just judge,
And not just judge by the moment,
The sense of what you see,
Nothing is quite what it seems,
Maybe we finally see,
That we don’t have all the answers,
That we don’t have everything figured out,
That we don’t have everything in our mind,
Things are always changing,
Life is a constant change,
Although the overall might still be the same,
The people,
The emotions,
The feelings,
The severity,
Is different than what it was before,
Maybe I am crazy,
Maybe I am insane,
But I must believe this,
I must keep it in my heart,
I must keep it solid,
And never give up,
And never give in,
And keep on fighting,
Fighting to the very end,
So maybe I am crazy,
And maybe I am insane,
But I rather have the faith,
The hope,
The belief,
The feeling,
That I am not the only one,
I am not the only one, who feels,
That believes,
That sees this light,
Sees this way,
And doesn’t give up,
Keeps on reaching for,
The light,
The warmth,
That is possible,
That lies within,
That is a part,
Of us all.


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