When We Tell Them About Christmas

When we tell them about Christmas,
When we give them the truth of the season,
When we tell them what it stands for,
Will we be the hero or villain?
Will we talk about how we stood for it?
That we were strong in our faith?
That we ministered to others?
That we gave His word to those that were thirsting,
That needed to know the truth,
The truth about Christmas?
When we tell them about Christmas,
Will we be foe or friend?
Will we be ashamed that we didn’t do enough?
That we didn’t try enough?
That we didn’t let God’s spirit lead us?
That we just let it happy,
That we stopped caring about those things,
That should be important here and now?
That we didn’t spread the gospel message,
That Christ came here to die for?
About how He came down from heaven,
To give us salvation,
This free gift we could easily take for granted,
About how He wanted to bring us all to Him,
That He wants to spare us all,
Even the most difficult and vilest of behaviors,
No matter what you have done in your life,
That He is there to take away it all,
If you been struggling with something,
You know is wrong He will give you the strength you need,
When we tell them about Christmas,
About how He became a babe,
When His mom was to be a virgin,
About the angels and the wise men,
Will be singing praises,
For keeping the Christmas message alive,
Or will we be hurting inside,
Because we didn’t do enough for our Savior.
We didn’t step out of our comfort zones,
We didn’t preach to someone because of our own pride,
Our own selfishness,
Our own sins that instead of confessing,
We hid within the dark?
When we tell them about Christmas,
The true Christmas story,
Will we be heroes or villains?
Will we be the ones that helped spread the message?
Or will we be the ones that just stood there every day,
And letting each part of it be torn away,
Because we didn’t want to be accounted for,
And responsible for what the Lord gave us,
We wanted to make every excuse,
To not give out the truth,
Just because we might lose those that we care about,
And because of that Christmas the true meaning of it,
Will not affect the way it should?
Or will we be heroes and take the risks,
Let them throw hurtful words,
Let the hardships and trials be part of our lives,
Just so we can show God’s love,
Through us by telling them,
Telling them the truth behind the Christmas story,
The true reason we should be celebrating it every year,
When we see the years from now,
Will we be the heroes and villains?
When we tell them about Christmas.


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