
Showing posts from June, 2008

When You Came Into My Life

Just when I thought I could never find, Someone like you, You came into my life, I have been so burned in my life, Blackness had surrounded my soul numerous of times, There had been so many images of my past, That had clouded past relationships, But with you, I feel a promise of something wonderful, I see myself with you forever, I feel that wish of forever coming true, Just when I thought I could never find, Someone like you, You came into my life, You have been burned before in your life, You have dealt with the blackness, You and I both have been through not getting What we really need in our life, In the love of a relationship, In someone, We kept on hoping, Although pained, But when I met you I knew, That I needed to give you a chance, It seemed as if there were signs about it, The stars had aligned, Everything was just meant to be, So just when I thought I could never find, Someone like you, You came into my life, Turning everything upside down, Turning my heart from black and bl...

Dance In The Moonlight

We dance in the moonlight as the stars guide us, We dance to our own music, The music our hearts make, The music whenever we are together, We just need the simple things, We don’t need the champagne, Or the candlelight to light a room, We just need our love, This romance, This passion, This dream, Touching each other everywhere, Kissing each other until we can’t stop, We dance in the moonlight as the stars guide us, We dance to our own music, The music in our hearts, The music in our souls, We spend many moments together, Sometimes just talking, Sometimes just cuddling, Sometimes just enjoying one’s company, You brought me music in my life again, You brought me hope for the future, You brought me dreams beyond the stars, We dance in the moonlight as the stars guide us, We dance to our own music, The music our hearts make together, The music these souls have brought together, The joining of two hearts, The joining of two souls, Two becoming one thought, One moment, One dream, We have be...

By Your Side

My heart soars to a high bliss, My heart feels such everlasting unbridled joy, Every part of my being felt in elation, Just thinking of the next time you would be near, I feel my soul go into ecstasy, Thinking of the pleasure you bring to me, The passion you give me, I feel like I am floating, I feel the glory of us shine through, There is a multi level gratification As you hold me closer in your arms, You kiss me so deeply, I feel like giving exaltation to all the gods, For bringing you into my life, My heart soars to a high bliss, My heart feels an everlasting joy, Every part of me feels high, As if I am not on this plain anymore, As if I am in the clouds, I feel like I am soaring, Holding you close, Kissing you deep, This is everything I have ever wanted, This is everything I ever needed, This is everything that I have dreamed of, This is just everything, Everything I have wanted, Everything I needed, You are my everything baby, You brought love again, You brought me hope, You broug...

I Can't Explain It Even If I Tried

I can’t explain it even if I tried, There is just something magically between you and I, Something so strong, Something so deep, Something that came out of nowhere, Something that makes me want to take a chance, Something that feels just so strong, Something that feels so right, From the very first moment I knew, I seemed to see a sign given, Just by the instant attraction, I seemed to just know, That this was meant to be, I can’t explain it even if I tried, There is just something so magically between you and I, I felt it at that very first moment, The first time you held me in your arms, The first time you kissed me, The first time we just spent time together, The first time I could feel the attraction from you, The first time I just knew, Knew I could and would be yours forever, I can’t explain it even if I tried, There is just something magically between you and I, Something I want to learn so much from, Something I could truly believe in, Something I could see just wonderful thing...

I've Always Gotten Through It

I know that I had wished for everlasting love, I know that I had wished for dreams made flesh, I know that I had wished for an always to come true, I know that I had wished for days with someone to love me, To love me strong and true, I thought you were the one, I thought you were the one I was meant to be with, I thought we would last until forever, But it was not meant to be, And although it pains my heart, And although it pains my soul, And although it pains my very depth of my dreams, I’ve always gotten through it, Gotten through the hurt and pain, Gotten through the broken dreams, Gotten through the times in the rain, Telling myself that things will get better, That things just take time, Explain to myself that I cannot give up, Cannot give up on love, On myself, On what is possible, On what is meant to be, I know that I had wished for everlasting love, I know that I had wished for dreams made flesh, I know that I had wished for an always to come true, I know that I had wished for...

Moonlight In The Window

The moonlight peaks through my window, I feel the moon soak into my being, I feel the beams circle around me, I feel the coolness of the breeze, How I wish you were here, How I wish you were holding me tight, How I wish you were with me now, Every night I look outside, Outside that window pane, Wishing for you, Wishing for you to be with me, Wishing you were here now, Wishing to be with you, Moonlight on the window pane, Tell me can you see him? Is he wishing upon the stars? Wishing for us? Wishing to be with me? Wishing as I wish for him? I feel the magic as it surrounds me, I feel the magic as it holds me close, I feel the magic as it kisses me, As it is a kiss from you, A kiss from the dream, A dream of the person I want to be with, A person to love forever, A person to dream with forever, A person to keep close to my heart, Moonlight on the window pane, Tell me that I am not just wishing, Tell me that these dreams are not in vain, Tell me that this hope is not in vein, Tell me that...

Changes In The Wind

Where did everything go wrong? When did everything go crazy? When did spring become autumn? When did the singing end? When did the bitterness come? I am confused, I am hurt, I don’t know why, I don’t know why now, Just when I thought I found the answers, Everything changes again, Just when I thought I found a good beginning, I see an end approaching, Just when everything seemed to fall into place, I feel the rug being pulled from me, Why did you have to change? Why did you have to push me away? Why did you have to make me feel, Feel that you didn’t love me? Feel that you didn’t care for me? Feel that I didn’t matter in your life, You have gone and made it clear, I have seemed to wear out my time with you, Something has changed, Something is not the same, You and I are not the same, And I don’t think we can regain it, Regain what has been lost, But I just wonder, Wonder where did it all go wrong? Wonder when it went crazy, Wonder when this disappeared, This emotion, Just when I thought ...

I Am In A Trance

I am in a trance, So deep into your love, You bring me this light, Something I haven’t seen, Something I haven’t felt, Something I haven’t tasted, In so many years, It feels like a deep dream Something I can see in my mind, But cannot believe is real, Something I want to have, Something I want to have with you, Something we can share together Something I cannot imagine, Imagine without you, I am in a trance, So deep into your love, You come softly to me, You kiss me deep, You hold me tight, You wrap your arms around me, I feel like I am dreaming, I cannot believe this is real, Or is it real? Is this just a dream, A dream of a fantasy, A fantasy I want made flesh? I am in a trance, So deep into your love, I don’t know what up is from down, I don’t know what love is without you, I don’t know dreams without you, I don’t know anything without your touch, I am in a trance, So far gone, Gone from this plane of existence, Gone to where you are, Come to me my darling, Come bring me home, Wake ...

Have You Ever Yearned

Have you ever yearned for something? Have you ever wanted someone so much? Have you ever wished they were near? Have you ever just wanted, The vastness that seemed to be, To just disappear into the deep endless sky? Have you ever wondered if there was ever, A true choice in life? Have you ever just wanted for things to change? To just have things easier than what you were given? Have you just ever yearned, Yearned for a love so much you would do anything, Anything in the world just to have it, You would walk to the end of the world, You would become so biased into the feeling, That you wouldn’t see anything else, That you wouldn’t want to see anything else, Feel anything else, Just be in that moment, That moment with that person, Have you ever cried a thousand tears? Until you felt like you couldn’t cry anymore? Just because of how much you love someone, But knew that they could never be yours? Have you ever lost someone and yearned for them back? That you would turn the whole world up...

The Voice On The Wire

I know that voice, The one that is on the wire The one that four years ago, Caused me pain and heartache, The one that I had to let go, I felt you were not ready, Ready for that great moment, You let me go than, But we stayed the closest of friends, Than I went through my times, And you went through yours, You finally lived on your own, And I did get married, But than moments changed again, I was ambitious to have a love, To be married, And than all I got were tears at the end, And than just when I thought The feelings were gone, You came back into my life, You always seemed to know, You found a way to make me smile, If it is one thing, It was that you were never shy On telling me that you loved me, And now you tell me, That you are coming here, That you are coming to see me, I don’t know how to feel, It’s been over four years, Since I last saw your face, Since I last held you in my arms, Since I last cried As I left you, To come back home, And now you tell me you are coming, You are c...

Never Stop Loving You

I watch the butterfly fly pass me, I fight a tear that wants to be shed, I don’t want to cry again tonight, I want you to come to me, I want you to bring me a smile, I want you to tell me, That you can change this, That you and I can start again, That you and I will be one, When have we ever been ones to listen to others? When have we let the city or country change us? We need to bring alive these ashes, The ashes of our hearts torn apart, Torn apart from not being together, I listen to the stream, I listen to the woods, I listen to the sky, I listen to the rain, Every part of the world tells me, Every part of me shouts to me, Every ounce of me wants you back, I don’t know how to shallow my pride fully, I don’t know how to even start to try, I don’t know how to show you, I don’t know how, I don’t know how to bring you back, There have been so many lonely nights, And event though I’ve been with others, No one has ever come close, No one has ever come close to you, You were everything, Y...

The One For Me

You my love inspire the depths of my love, You bring forth something special into my heart, Irresistible am I to your charms, I crave to be with you again, I long to hold you in my arms, To be the victor of your love, To never let you go, I have learned my lesson, I have gone through so much since you, I have had to deal with my heart being broken, I have had to sleep alone, I had to dream without you near, I had to wish for you, I had to try to tell myself it would be okay, But I knew deep in the very depths of my soul, That a part of me lived on in your heart, That a part of me lived in your arms, That a part of me wanted you back home, That you love kept on inspiring me, Kept on helping me reach for the stars, You were the one that always knew, You always were the ones that held me dear, All this time I thought you gave up, But I know now, That nothing was farther from the truth, You still held me close to your heart, You still held me close to your mind, You still held me close, Yo...

In A Different Land

Once upon a time in a land, So far from this moment, There once was this great love, One that thought would last forever, But the days seemed to have another decision, And than once upon a time, The land turned dark The two of them that once made a pair Could not be found, The moment seemed to fade, And she was left in a far away place, Where it seemed that never She would find one to take his place, Find one that could make her smile, Find one that could make her laugh, Find one that could kiss her and send shivers Down to the very end of her spine, Find one that could make her forget everything That was around her, And see only that person, Once upon a time in a land, So far from this moment, There was this great love, One that she thought would last forever, But things changed, View points changed, He changed, She changed, But she still believes, She believes in true love, She believes she will find him, That he’s waiting for her, And one moment she will find it, That land that exis...

She Beats To Her Own Drummer

She beats to her own drummer, She’s a lover, She’s a dreamer, She’s a believer, She’s your best friend, She’s a daughter, She writes the lines, The ones your heart sings, She believes in love Despite all the pain & hurt She has been through, She believes in dreams, Even though she’s seen them shattered and torn By those that could not believe, She’s a passionate person, She believes in open mindedness, She believes in rights for gays and lesbians, She believes that true Wicca is not the work of the devil, She believes in friendship no matter online or not, She believes in helping people In every way she can, She believes in breaking the barriers, To letting new things come about, She beats to her own drummer, She’s a lover, She’s a dreamer, She’s a believer, She’s your best friend, She’s a daughter, She was a granddaughter, She’s been a wife, She’s been an adopted daughter, She’s been a daughter in law, She’s held many roles, She enjoys Enya, She’ll never get tired of Journey or Br...

Soulmate In Disguise

You come out of the mist through the dark night, You had dark deep eyes, Ones that held me into enchantment, You were a stranger, I had never met you before, But all the sudden I am drawn to you, Drawn to the unknown I want to pursuit a lifetime with you, Until every dawn, Until every dawn to the end, To the very last moment, The last time I take a breathe, You came out of the mist, Through the dark night, Your deep dark eyes drew me, You held me into enchantment, You were a stranger, But I felt like I knew you before, You knew me more than any other person, You knew how to make me smile, You knew how to touch my soul, You knew how to do everything right, You knew everything, Without having to try, Because you were the one, The one I have been waiting for, You are my soul mate, My soul mate disguised.

Every Moment With You

We started out as friends, And than we couldn’t deny how close we have become, The desire was overwhelming, The attraction seemed to grow overnight, I knew quickly I wanted to kiss you, I knew that I wanted to become your lover, I wanted us to be the perfect couple, Always wanting, Always needing, Always caressing, Always knowing that we were lovers As well as friends, That our love grows with every passing moment, Every moment I wanted you, More and more, Than I ever wanted anyone before, I wanted you with my whole heart, My whole soul, My whole body, With everything, I could feel my body aching, Aching for you, For your touch, Your caress, Your kisses, Your lips against mine, Your body against my body, Your soul intertwined, We started as friends, But it has turned into something so much more, Something I never thought of, Something I have always wanted, I have been looking for my soul mate, And you have been looking for yours, And the moment I looked into your eyes, I knew, I knew t...

Decision Made

The decision seemed to be made, Life seemed to have a new direction, I was more than ready, Ready to move on Finally the direction seemed to be clear, It was time to leave you behind, It was time to leave you and move on, Move on to a better life without you.

The Simple Things

I just want the simple things, The things that can mean So much in love, A dedication of a love song, A simple full crass without hesitation, Feeling every curve and not caring, Enjoying all the scents without complaining, Having an actual conversation instead of always so much silence Enjoying being with the person, Instead of hoping for some space to yourself, I just want the simple things, The things that can mean So much in love, A person that actually loves me, One that loves every curve, Every touch, Every moment, That doesn’t want to change me, That doesn’t want me to stop being who I am, Who wants to support me as I grow and change in life, I just want the simple things, The things that can mean So much in love, Someone who wants me more than just for my body, Or a show that I can give, Someone who wants me more than just my mind, And how smart I can be, Someone who wants me more than just my soul, And how much I believe in love, I want someone to want me for everything, Every ...

What Is This Emotion

What? What is this? This emotion that comes, The one I thought I buried, At least when it came to yu, I hadn’t seen you in so long, Haven’t heard your voice in awhile, Haven’t even really thought about you, And than all the sudden, I am taken back, Back to many years ago, When we were together, When I loved you, I said the words to you today, I felt just like before, I have always cared, It was hard to walk away, But so much pushed me from you, And than all the sudden you are here, I am confused, I know I do care about you, But is this also because I am unhappy? And you always put my mind at ease? What is this feeling? I thought our time was long psased, I thought our moment was gone, But than you said you loved me, And I felt that feeling again, The one I did so long ago, Back when we were going to pledge eternity, Back when I saw myself with you, What? What is this? What is this emotion? This confusion? This thought? Do I want to be back with you? Or is it just that you could bring a...